ELODIE,your private problem solver

Elodie uses high-energy focused magnetic field technology and multi-dimensional bioelectric double synergy technology while repairing the relaxation of pelvic floor muscles and rectus abdominis muscles. The contraction intensity of pelvic floor muscles driven by MRI technology exceeds dozens of times the natural contraction of the human body, and the frequency and number of contractions are tens of millions of times faster than the natural contraction of the human body. Improving urinary incontinence, intimate sensitivity, back pain, etc

ELODIE can be your closest friend

To repair the relaxation of pelvic floor muscles and rectus abdominis muscles at the same time, there are two output methods for different muscles. effectively improve pelvic floor muscles, restore firmness, and better elasticity; A common problem is the pain on the lower back position. After stimulating the muscles, it can effectively improve the flexibility and tension of the muscles and also relieve the pain.

It can effectively facilitate the contraction of pelvic floor muscles and also enhance the tension of pelvic floor muscles, the function of pelvic floor muscles by stimulating muscles and nerves, and increase metabolism and consumption

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+86 19521058573