what are the difference between RF and laser therapy
Time:April 15,2024

The laser therapy is used to improve the texture and tone of your skin,laser resurfacing treatments targeting major skin surfaces, including prosthetic and dermal.These treatments can be non-ablative or ablative. Non-ablative treatments penetrate the skin but do not remove the outermost layer. Ablative laser treatments literally remove the outermost layer and reveal fresh, healthy skin.

Laser therapy can be applied to fine fine lines and wrinkles,hyperpigmentation,unwanted hair,tattoo removal,etc

RF therapy primarily targets skin tightening on the face and body, rather than specifically addressing localized, skin-toned issues such as hyperpigmentation or cannot be used to remove hair or tattoos.

RF treatments heat the skin to temperatures between 50 and 75 Celsius (122 and 167 Fahrenheit). When your tissue maintains this temperature for more

than three minutesYour body releases heat shock proteins that cause collagen in your body to overproduce. Since collagen is the protein that gives tissue and skin 

strength,structure, and elasticity (along with elastin), it promotes firmer and younger-looking skin.

Whether you are look for a laser or RF therapy for your skin porblem,talk to our Aimoth professionals to get a personalized solution.

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