Magnetic Beauty

Magnetic Beauty uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic field technology. The energy pulse of each treatment excites 20,000 strong muscle contractions, and this "muscle contraction" intensity and frequency can never be achieved by ordinary muscle movement. High-intensity muscle contraction will stimulate muscle growth while inducing fat cells to accelerate metabolism

All-round&cost-effective fitness trainer

The Black technology product that can simultaneously complete "muscle building, fat burning, and body shaping".

Magnetic muscle uses high-energy focused magnetic field technology to stimulate nerves, continuously expand and contract its own muscles, perform extreme training, and deeply reshape the internal structure of the muscles, that is, myofibrils grow (muscle enlargement) and produce new protein chains and muscle fibers, train, and increase muscle density and volume.

Different from the common fat reduction and shaping equipment on the market, the electromagnetic wave penetration depth of the treatment head can reach the subcutaneous 7-mm muscle layer and accurately act on the muscle tissue, so it can meet the triple needs of muscle building, fat burning, and body shaping at the same time

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+86 19521058573